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Sustainability is the most desired target to keep our planet for the next coming years, and this can be achieved by managing our resources and saving them from being wasted. Buildings all over the world showed a large growth in the last 5 years, and the number of devices inside the building is increasing, which leads to high energy consumption and climate change.
Buildings in the future will consume a big share of our world resources, that’s why we need buildings automation, to be much easier for owners and building operators to manage buildings and to avoid wasting resources by reducing energy consumption and minimize environmental impact.
In buildings, there are many systems to consider; lighting, HVAC, security, fire fighting, elevators and access control ...etc. Building automation is to automatically control and manage all the systems together, and reach the best operating procedures to maintain a smart building that achieves the 3 main goals; Building lifetime efficiency, People productivity & experience and Deployment efficiency.
Building Automation
Building Automation Values

Adjust air sensors and air
devices to keep your air
quality pure
Keep the building secured,
and keep monitoring who is
entering the building
Control building lights and
monitor it with scheduling its
operation over the day
Monitor Building climate,
temperature and manage
HVAC operation to reduce
Monitor energy consumption
and building performance,
save 30% of energy
Get alerted when an
undesired event occurs
Surveillance system, with
alert cameras that record
and send data to security
Sensors to alert operators in
case of any emergencies


Integrated Platform System
The building automation system is a centralized system that controls all the facilities of the building; electricity, pumps, HVAC, Lighting, plumbing, water supply ...etc)
Lighting Management

Lighting management gives you the ability to control, schedule and automate the lighting of any place, using all lights fixtures, windows and shutters and less. In addition, saving more energy and be more effective

HVAC Control
Heat ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), considered one of the most energy consuming facilities in buildings. The building automation system allows operators to control building temperature humidity over different zones with different settings. This offers a comfortable environment without any moistures that may affect any sensitive devices
Air Quality
Apart from maintaining HVAC system to control temperature and humidity for a healthy environment. Air quality enhances productivity by applying Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV), this strategy ensures saving energy consumed in ventilation. When occupancy increases inside the building, CO2 exhaled from people increase, so the CO2 sensors send a signal to maximize ventilation efficiency. But, ventilation minimizes its efficiency in case of low building occupancy.
At the same time, occupancy sensors work to measure the air inside the building in case of any air comes from the outside environment to balance ventilation efficiency with the outside air to save energy and maintain an indoor healthy environment.

Window & Blind Control
Controlling building blinds over the day to monitor light and temperature coming from outside is much easier to operate. You can schedule blinds to close and open based on your daily operation. It is much easier to prepare a meeting presentation, with one button press, the lighting is dimmed in the entire conference room, blinds and the presentation screen are lowered and the air conditioning is set to the required temperature
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